Oxford Music Festival – 2015

We were entered in two classes this year; Male Voice Choir and Open Barbershop. Due to several withdrawals by other choruses in both categories there were fewer competitors than we had anticipated. This meant that in the Male Choir category we came out on top; Out of one entry! The adjudicator gave us a “Commended” appraisal and some very helpful comments which we will work on. The songs we presented were, “Music To Watch Girls By” and the “The Hippopotamus Song”.

For the Open Barbershop category we presented “Shenandoah” and “Is This the Way to Amarillo”. This time we came third against some good opposition from Harmony Inspires and Thames Valley Chorus. Again, but with a different adjudicator we achieved a “Commended” verdict with positive comments to work on. These festivals are useful as a method of obtaining independent appraisals of our ability.




