Wantage Music Festival – 2015

What do you do when a young woman says you are “Tremendous and Gorgeous”? Well in this writer’s case his blushes were unfounded as this was the adjudicator’s verdict when referring to the whole chorus’ (well 10 members) performance at the above event. With good acoustics and a packed audience our two songs, “You Make Me Feel So Young” and “If I Give My Heart To You” went down well. Well enough to receive a 97% verdict from the adjudicator. Unfortunately, Anna our MD. was not able to make it in time due to traffic problems and so Rob our Deputy MD. stepped into the breach at the eleventh hour.

Also appearing in the Ensemble Chorus Group but not in competition with us were several choruses from Didcot Girls School who were excellent. Unfortunately the wrong gender to try to recruit from!




